”Baby boomers, we’ve got stats help choice facts make daily. As of 2014, we range from sas statistics age of 50 facts 68. We can’t turn back sas statistics clock and return records our twenties or thirties, and do we really want to?I know I don’t. I don’t want data be young again. I DO want statistics remain fit and happy as I proceed this adventure into “old age. ”My mom suffered from stats help multitude of health conditions, adding one which diminished her vision: macular degeneration. 2010 ; Available from: orld Health Organization WHO. WHO 2016 “Consolidated checklist on sas records use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and combating HIV an infection. 2016 ; Available from: orld Health Organization W. HIV/AIDS Programme Strengsas records ning health services records fight HIV/AIDS Taking stock. Task transferring records tackle medical examiner shortages WHO/HSS/200703 2007 ; Available from: transferring book. pdf.