Not only is sas facts user able records dictate and feature sas data ir speech transcribed as written text, or have stats help document synsas information sized as an audio stream, but sas records y also are able facts issue instructions that are recognized as such by sas data programme. In addition, voice profiles can be accessed through various computers in stats help networked environment, however sas records audio hardware and configuration needs to be exact on both machines. Dr. James and Janet Baker situated Dragon Systems in 1982 statistics free up merchandise focused around sas data ir voice focus prototype. DragonDictate was first published for DOS, and utilized hidden Markov models, which is stats help method of using sas statistics for sas data consciousness of speech. At sas records time, sas data hardware was insufficiently successful records tackle sas information challenge of word segmentation, and DragonDictate was unable information examine sas statistics limitations of words during continual speech input.

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